Spectro | Jet-Care laboratories awarded Rolls-Royce Solutions approval

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Our services identify core engine deterioration. By comparing trend data against our engine models we can find the point at which long term wear begins to significantly degrade engine efficiency.

The Jet-Care GPA service covers:

  • A wide range of engine trend programs from 550shp turboprops to 30,000lb turbofans
  • Your data is processed and evaluated every day of the year, and reported on line with a fast track service available on request
  • Simple and accurate routine reports which provide a chronological record of engine trend status
  • Alert and advisory reports with advice and diagnosis for engine problems
  • 24/7 support on engine performance issues from our experienced trend engineers
  • Our free app for iPad®, iECHO GPA™, makes it quick and easy to submit regular data for trending


The effectiveness of any engine trending program is dependent on the amount of data recorded, the timeliness of data submission and its analysis.

We recommend the regular submission of engine performance data to ensure an optimum level of service and to maintain a current engine status.  Whilst these recommendations are not mandatory, they are strongly advised and any variation from them should be agreed.  To find out more view our guide to Supplying Engine Performance Data.

For quick and easy submission, and if you do not have a webECHO customer account, you can send your engine performance data to the Jet-Care GPA Team by clicking the link below and choosing one of the options available.

The Jet-Care app for iPad® that allows pilots to submit engine trend data quickly and easily.




Hatchwood Place,
Farnham Road, Odiham
RG29 1AB, UK

Tel:     +44 (0) 1256 701777
Fax:    +44 (0) 1256 701377
Email:  inquiries@jet-care.com


Jet-Care International Inc.

3 Saddle Road,
Cedar Knolls,
NJ 07927, USA

Tel       +1 973 292 9597
Fax:     +1 973 292 3030
Email:  inquiries@jet-care.com